Had to subscribe after this. Appreciate your writing and your perspective, and you being a fellow Chicagoan doesn't hurt. Most of this is brand new to me and the Arbor Labor Union and Cusp records are already favorites. Thanks for doing the work on this and sharing!
Thanks for all the recommendations, a lot for me to discover here. One quibble. I really enjoyed the previous Jessica Williams album, but I can't get into the production on this new one- it's kept me from listening to the whole thing.
Ah man it's definitely a shift but I couldn't disagree more re: TAA. Brad Cook's probably my favorite working producer right now. I bet it'll grow on you. Thanks for reading.
Had to subscribe after this. Appreciate your writing and your perspective, and you being a fellow Chicagoan doesn't hurt. Most of this is brand new to me and the Arbor Labor Union and Cusp records are already favorites. Thanks for doing the work on this and sharing!
Kevin, this made my day. Thank you so much!
Great, eclectic list! I had to wait a little longer since 6/30 was yet another "new music Friday," LOL.
grateful as always - a lot of great records to savor. liquid mike, what a treat!!
"Freak Frequency" just missed the cut on my mid-year list, and the more I listen to it, the more I want to go back and edit my picks.
A few Australian recommends to throw your way: new EP from Dust and new LPs from RVG and Trophy Eyes. All excellent.
25 points for mentioning Fog Lake!
kick in the pants I needed to check out Liquid Mike - amazing stuff. have you heard the cisco swank album? fun polymath funk-jazz-pop
just moved to the top of my list
Thanks for the solid recs as always!
Thanks for all the recommendations, a lot for me to discover here. One quibble. I really enjoyed the previous Jessica Williams album, but I can't get into the production on this new one- it's kept me from listening to the whole thing.
Ah man it's definitely a shift but I couldn't disagree more re: TAA. Brad Cook's probably my favorite working producer right now. I bet it'll grow on you. Thanks for reading.
Well, I couldn't disagree less! Haha. I'll def give it another shot. Thanks again.