Definitely agree on the songs vs vibes categorisation. I also see this a lot with band's dropping an LP and the sequencing makes it very obvious that they have only 2-3 half decent songs, usually front-loaded to Side A, and then the rest of LP is sub-par dross. Big lack of songwriting sauce. Put the whole thing back in the oven, it's not done yet etc.
Definitely agree on the songs vs vibes categorisation. I also see this a lot with band's dropping an LP and the sequencing makes it very obvious that they have only 2-3 half decent songs, usually front-loaded to Side A, and then the rest of LP is sub-par dross. Big lack of songwriting sauce. Put the whole thing back in the oven, it's not done yet etc.
Like a more critical beer music vs. weed music categorization
Love it. I’m often summing up new stuff I hear with “great vibe, but I dunno if the songs are there.”